edaWorkshop18 - Program
At this web page you find the programme of the edaWorkshop18. You may expand the programme for each session by clicking on the session title. You will find the detailed timetable, presentation titles and author names. If additional information like an abstract, curriculum vitae or (for attendees of the edaWorkshop18 only) slides is available, a link below the presentation title is displayed.
You may download the programme as PDF file (2.26 MB).
You may download all presentations as one single ZIP file (~84 MB). (Access for logged in event attendees only!)
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
09:00 - 10:20
Elektronik-Design-Industrial-Workshop: Vortrags-Session „Sichere, vernetzte und echtzeitfähige Systeme der Produktion“
Moderator: Wolfgang Nebel (edacentrum, D)
09:00 | Begrüßung & Einleitung Wolfgang Nebel (edacentrum, D) |
09:05 | Industrie 4.0 real umsetzen mit openAAS Olaf Graeser (PHOENIX CONTACT, D) Abstract and Curriculum Vitae Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
09:30 | TSN – ein neuer Vernetzungsstandard für Industrie 4.0 Ralf Sommer (IMMS, D) Abstract and Curriculum Vitae Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
09:55 | Verteilte Industriesteuerung mit IEC 61499 auf dem Weg zu modellbasierter Entwicklung Jörg Walter (OFFIS, D) Abstract and Curriculum Vitae Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
10:20 - 10:50
Kaffee- und Teepause
10:50 - 11:50
Elektronik-Design-Industrial-Workshop: Panel Session
Moderator: Wolfgang Nebel (edacentrum, D)
10:50 | Podiumsdiskussion: Plug & Produce Olaf Graeser (PHOENIX CONTACT, D) Frank Oppenheimer (OFFIS, D) Ralf Sommer (IMMS, D) Abstract |
11:50 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
Session 1: Keynote-Session
Moderator: Wolfgang Nebel (edacentrum, D)
13:00 | Begrüßung Wolfgang Nebel (edacentrum, D) |
13:05 | Keynote: QED and Symbolic QED: Dramatic Improvements in Pre-silicon Verification and Post-silicon Validation Subhasish Mitra (U Stanford, US) Abstract and Curriculum Vitae Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
13:50 | Vorstellung Posterausstellung Ralf Popp (edacentrum, D) |
14:00 - 14:30
Kaffee- und Teepause
14:00 - 16:00
Während der Posterausstellung haben Sie die Gelegenheit, sich über die technischen Entwicklungen aktueller IKT 2020-Projekte zu informieren.
16:00 - 17:15
Session 2: „Verifikation”
Moderator: Ulf Schlichtmann (TU München, D)
16:00 | (R)evolutionary Trends and Challenges in Industrial Analog Verification Ecosystems Peter Rotter (Infineon, D) Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
16:25 | Challenges in Property Generation Wolfgang Ecker (Infineon Technologies, D) Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
16:50 | A Formal Cross-layer Approach for Firmware Development and Safety Analysis in HW/SW Systems Wolfgang Kunz (Technical University of Kaiserslautern, D) Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
18:30 - 22:30
18:30 | Geführter Gang zur Abendveranstaltung |
19:00 | Empfang im Atrium (Altes Rathaus) |
19:30 | Award Ceremony: Verleihung der EDA-Medaille 2018 |
19:45 | Abendessen |
22:30 | Ende erster Tag |
Thursday, May 17, 2018
08:45 - 10:10
Session 3: Keynote-Session
Moderator: Wolfgang Rosenstiel (edacentrum, D)
08:45 | Keynote: Brain Inspired Computing: The Extraordinary Voyages in Known and Unknown Worlds Hai (Helen) Li (Duke University, US / TUM – Institute for Advanced Studies, D) Abstract and Curriculum Vitae Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
09:30 | The European Things2Do Initiative for Design and Tape Out of a 22 nm FDSOI Automotive Computer Vision MPSoC for ADAS Applications Jens Benndorf (Dream Chip Technologies, D) Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
09:55 | Award Ceremony: Verleihung des EDA-Achievement Award 2018 |
10:10 - 10:40
Kaffee- und Teepause
10:40 - 11:55
Session 4: „Embedded Software”
Moderator: Jan-Hendrik Oetjens (Bosch, D)
10:40 | Automotive Embedded Software Development: Current Workflow and Challenges Andreas Mauderer (Bosch, D) Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
11:05 | Firmware Generation: State-of-the-Art, Challenges, and New Approaches Wolfgang Ecker (Infineon Technologies, D) Lorenzo Servadei (Infineon, TU München, D) Michael Werner (Infineon, TU München, D) Elena Zennaro (Infineon, TU München, D) Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
11:30 | Automatisierter Firmware-Entwurf unter Berücksichtigung von Timing- und Power-Budgets für anwendungsspezifische Elektroniksysteme Oliver Bringmann (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, D) Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
11:55 - 13:00
11:55 - 14:00
Während der Posterausstellung haben Sie die Gelegenheit, sich über die technischen Entwicklungen aktueller IKT 2020-Projekte zu informieren.
14:00 - 15:00
Session 5: „Automotive-Panel”
Moderator: Wolfgang Rosenstiel (edacentrum, D)
14:00 | Podiumsdiskussion: autoSWIFT - Innovative Technologien schneller im Fahrzeug! Göran Jerke (Bosch, D) Helmut Lochner (Audi, D) Holger Schmidt (Infineon Technologies, D) Maciej Wiatr (Globalfoundries, D) Abstract |
15:00 - 15:30
Kaffee- und Teepause
15:30 - 16:55
Session 6: „Infrastruktur für Autonome Systeme“
Moderator: Christoph Heer (Intel, D)
15:30 | The way to the 5G connected car Juergen Englisch (Intel Deutschland, D) Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
15:55 | Multi-access Edge Computing Dario Sabella (Intel Deutschland, D) Slides (Access for event attendees only) |
16:20 | AD Application Scenarios Dirk Behrens (WABCO, D) |
16:45 | Schlusswort Wolfgang Rosenstiel (edacentrum, D) |