edaWorkshop15 and CATRENE DTC 2015

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This year the edaWorkshop15, the premier German EDA event for the publication and discussion of application-oriented EDA research findings, took place on May 19-21 in Dresden. As every two years it has been jointly organized with the CATRENE Design Technology Conference (CATRENE DTC) and attracted nearly one hundred participants due to its very exciting program.

We would appreciate, if you like to give us your feedback concerning the event.
For that, please take our feedback form. Return by fax +49 511 762-19695 would be convenient.

edaWorkshop15 und CATRENE DTC Fotoleiste

If you like to take a personal visual pass in review, or if you like to know, how it looks at the edaWorkshop, then dive into our picture galleries of the past events.

As "after the edaWorkshop is before the edaWorkshop" we invite you to the upcoming event:

The edaWorkshop16 will be held in Hannover, Germany on May, 11-12 2016.

Hannover Impressionen

So mark your calendar, we are looking forward to seeing you in Hannover then!

Prof. Dr. W. Rosenstiel
Prof. Dr. W. Rosenstiel
General Chairman of edaWorkshop
Chairman of edacentrum
    Prof. Dr. W. Nebel
Prof. Dr. W. Nebel
General Chairman of edaWorkshop
Vice chairman of edacentrum

The edaWorkshop is the premier German EDA event for the publication and discussion of application-oriented EDA research findings. As every two years, also 2015 the edaWorkshop15 has co-located and shared a common day – including keynotes, sessions and the social event – with the annual CATRENE Design Technology Conference (DTC). The CATRENE Design Technology Conference (CATRENE DTC) is the meeting point of Europe’s scientists and experts in application-oriented design. Both events are attracting European experts in industry and academia and consequently the organizers decided to co-locate the workshop and the conference every two years.

The event featured keynotes by Joachim Pelka (Fraunhofer), Angela Schöllhorn (Intel Mobile) and Georg Sigl (TU München). Furthermore there were invited presentations by Patrick Cogez (STMicroelectronics), David Pan (U Texas at Austin) and Heinrich Daembkes (Airbus).

The successful preceding edaWorkshop and CATRENE DTC events in Dresden attracted more than 120 participants in 2009, 2011 and 2013 respectively. To get an impression of edaWorkshop visit the picture galleries of the past events.